Founder’s appeal to the.Nation

After seven centuries of foreign rule inter-spread with a 100-year relief under Maratha supremacy and then 75 years of independence,  India stands at a unique stand-point when it is not far away from leading the world in almost all spheres. However, we have to decide whether the great India of tomorrow will be an economically, militarily and scientifically great nation but a cultural paper ?

What compels us to think in this way, which some may even call cynical, is the fast cultural degradation of the Indian society being brought about by sexually perverted and provocative content on all audio visual platforms including OTT, social media platforms, films and via pornography, which in turn is also the main cause of increasing rapes in the country. 

The situation is horrendous. Recently a 13 year old boy raped his 3 year infant cousin after seeing pornography on phone. Most disturbing cases of rape are almost a daily occurrence in the country. Social media platforms like FaceBook & Apps like Ullu show sexually perverted films about relations between Father-in law/ Daughter-in-law, Student/Teacher Homemaker/Servant etc. Such is the dirt being shown on OTT platforms that a family can’t watch an average OTT film even for 10 minutes. Moreover, this perverted content is now easily available on mobile phone of minor boys and girls. One can only imagine the havoc this is playing with our new generation. It is like a silent termite eating into our vitals Or it is like a polluted Nala right under our home but we are unaware. 

This trend, if it continues, can derail India’s dream of becoming a Vishwaguru & a great nation. The United States of America is an apt example of how a nation can be a world leader in multiple fields and yet turn itself into a cultural pauper because of the impact of sexually perverted content. Therefore,  a surgical strike is needed in India to stop AV platforms from dishing out such content. The need of the hour is to see making of such content as anti-national activity and an activity that is as dangerous for the nation as drug peddling.

A step was taken recently in this direction. The SaveCultureSaveIndia Mission was launched in Bhopal on December 25, 2022 under the Save Culture Save India Foundation, a voluntary body,  to unite the nation against those selling perverted content in name of entertainment.  The Mission has compiled a study that conclusively proves that perverted content is the main instigator of rapists and has suggested a law of ethics code for all audio visual platforms punishing violators of certain sections of the law on the charge of abetment of rape. 

The Mission has enlisted the support of eminent people for the cause. To name a few  RSS Sarsanghchalak Dr Mohan Bhagwat, Swami Ramdev, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravishankar, Acharya Balkrishna , Swami Avadheshanand of Juna  Akhara, Swami Chidanand of Parmarth Ashram, Jain saints Acharya Lokesh Muni, Manoharkirti Sagarji & Uday Kirti Sagar ji , Nirbhaya’s mother Ashadevi besides taking the message to the Government of India in the form of Union Defence Minister Rajnath Singh and Union I and B Minister Anurag Thakur.

The objectives of the Mission are :

  • To realise India’s dream of becoming a great nation by acting against all those selling perverted content on audio visual and other platforms spoiling India’s future generations and the main cause of increasing rapes and other sexual perversions.
  • To invite objections and complaints from the people at large against perverted & provocative content being sold as entertainment on OTT, social media and other platforms, films and via pornography.
  • To take constitutionally correct steps to prevent such content by organising demonstrations, moving the courts, writing to the concerned Government authorities and entities and other steps it deems fit.
  • To suggest constitutionally correct steps to all sections of the society including the Governments & its legal entities to stop such content.

As founder of the Save Culture Save India Foundation i implore my fellow countrymen to join this noble mission to stop the cultural degradation  of the society to make India a great nation by uniting against the makers of perverted content on audio visual & other platforms. In school we took a pledge saying ‘ all Indians are my brothers & sisters’ . Let us live up to this pledge and save our brothers & sisters from becoming victims of perverted content. I have no doubt that India  will win this war against makers of perverted content bent upon destroying our culture.

– Uday Mahurkar